
Couch Potato Strong is dedicated to providing health, exercise, fitness, and, strength training advice for the average person. Couch Potato Strong believes that all persons, no matter current health level, can live a healthier lifestyle. With the massive volume of information available on diet and exercise, Couch Potato Strong aims to simplify the process of living a health lifestyle. 

On our resources page, you will find links to health information we have personally vetted, and, deem beneficial to any couch potato looking to get fit. Additionally, we host workouts, and conduct interviews with special guests (accomplished athletes) who are willing to share their wisdom. So, we encourage all of you to visit our social media links, and, join us on the journey to becoming couch potato strong!

On our YouTube channel you will find several interviews with elite athletes from around the world. These interviews can also be found by following the links on our special guests page. 

Visit our Instagram channel to see workouts from Addam and Frank Chaudoin, the creators of Couch Potato Strong. 

Thanks for visiting our site. 

Take care all and keep moving.